Tacoma Family Photographer on Film | Brooke Holliday

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Why Mom's need to get in the frame | Bonney Lake Family Photographer | Brooke Holliday Photography

Mom get out from behind the camera and in photos with your family

I have talked about before the anxiety of having your photo taken and how we over critic ourselves often when it comes to photos take of us. However the importance of being present in photos with your family and especially your kids or just photos of you solo is priceless.

Recently I had a scare where I thought I might never see my grandma again and the first things I thought of were I don’t have any recent photos of the two of us together. Photos hold so much importance once our loved ones have passed on.

Photos are still important even when you are still here. Kids love to see photo of you and themselves. Not only will they be enjoyed now in the present but years from now hen they are all grown up these photos of you will be even more precious. See memories can fade or be foggy at best sometimes but photos of us through out life are hard copies.

They are tokens of experiences that we had together and a timeline of our life. Our children can look back at what mama looked like while she carried them before they were born. They can see what she looked like when they were going to preschool and so on. These photos of you no regardless of whether you think you should loss that last 5 pounds are precious, needed and important.

And I know I have first hand experience with this body image issue that many of us probably have. I had family photos done for the first time ever a couple years ago and when I first saw those images I kinda didn’t like some of the ones I was in. I thought I looked fat or my face was weird. But you know what happened now when I look at them I think wow I looked good and more importantly I remember all the fun that we had.

There is a good chance that you will look back on photos of yourself and have a similar reaction. You will wonder wow how did I think I looked bad in these photos. Nostalgia will fill all those doubtful holes in your mind and you will admire these images of yourself with your family and I guarantee you won’t regret having them taken. But you will regret ones that you didn’t take.

Do you agree with me about any of these points I have talked about today? Have you experienced the same situation I talked about at the end? Let me know in the comments. And remember that you are beautiful and worthy of being photographed.