My 2018 in Review | Buckley, WA Family Photographer

This last year was a year of major growing. I grew as a photographer and a business person. I finally decided this year to shoot primarily in my studio space and I was able to build my studio to a place that I am so happy with. I found a lighting style that I love and am creating the best work I ever have. I also spent more time with my family and found balance between work and life. So important! Last but most certainly not least, I worked with some amazing families and people. I am so grateful for you all! Thank you for letting me create portraits, that I hope will become a part of your family history, and I am so glad to have met every one of you.

2019 is going to only to get better and I am so excited. I hope to see you there!

♥️ Brooke!


My goals for 2019 | Buckley, WA Family Photographer


Why I offer Plexiglass with my Frames | Buckley, WA Family Photographer