The Top 5 Reasons to Have Your Next Family Session at Home

I know you read the title and thought to yourself “Have a family session at home? Oh no that is definitely not for me.” Well I am here to tell you that Family Sessions at Home are 100% for everyone. I highly recommend that you try it at least once and don’t be surprised if you end up falling in love.

Family of five piled on the bed while mom and dad tickle the kids

The Top 5 Reasons to Have Your Next Family Photo Session at Home

Now I know what the top reason you probably would not think to use your home as the back drop of your next Family Photo Session is.. you probably don’t think your home is photo worthy. However the number 1 reason to have your next family photo session in your home is actually because it is photo worthy. Let me tell you why.

Reason 1: Your home is your haven. For your kids it’s their safe space.

This is where you spend your most precious bonding time. It’s the pivotal location to capture genuine emotions and connection. For those reasons alone your home makes the ultimate location for family photos.

Your home doesn't need to be perfect (what even is perfect?). It doesn’t need to be on trend with the most recent home design magazine and it doesn’t need to look like all the ones on your Pinterest board. Heck it’s ok if you are in the middle of some home renovations. (All the images in this blog were taken in the middle of this family fixing up this house to sell!) What matters most is that your home is special to you and your family because when you all look back on those images nothing will look out of place. But everything will remind you of all the best memories you had in that place, that place you called home.

Family tickle war on the family bed.
Youngest son sitting on dad's lap, laughing and engaging with the camera

Reason 2: Having a Family Session at home means no commute!

How hard is it to dress your family, pack the snacks and get out the door for an outing? So much goes into getting ready and physically leaving the house with multiple kids or even just one. It can start the whole outing off with STRESS and negative feelings about what you are leaving to do. This is a pivotal point where Dad can start to check out!! But don’t forget all the chaos that can happen on the way! Crying baby check, sibling arguments check, we could go on and on.

So when you have family photos at home you eliminate all of leaving the house and commuting to the shoot location. Your photographer comes to you and all you have to do is commute to your front door to greet them.

Reason 3: Your kids are free to be themselves at home.

So you have rushed the kids out the door, they have argued or cried on the way, maybe one is cranky from being hungry. You make it to the new location you haven’t been before and youngest doesn’t want to warm up to taking photos. You are worried that your family photo shoot is all for naught!

A big worry that I have heard time and time again has to do with parents feeling like their kids will, blunty, embarrass them. While I try to push the sentiment that kids will be kids and we should let them be kids. I know that some parents still have expectations of them.

When you choose your home as your family photo location kids are A. familiar with their surroundings. This is opposite of an outdoor session. Often times the photographer is familiar and the family isn’t. B. Your kids will be comfortable in their home and able to relax. The photographer then becomes the guest and your kids will be able to be the authority and show them around to their favorite places!

family portrait at home with family dog

Reason 4: Having a Family Session at home means all pets are welcome!

Have you always wanted your beloved pet bird in the yearly family photos but you have always kept them home for fear of them flying away and never coming back? This is a very valid fear and you could insert any pet, dog, cat or gerbil! Some animals just need to be kept at home.

Or heck maybe you have a very impressive saltwater tank with Nemos and Doris! Booking a family session at home allows you to capture all the precious moments at home with your beloved pets that won’t do so well outdoors. No escaping!

Reason 5: No rescheduling for weather!

Often times I will get asked what happens if it rains on our session day? I mean we live in the PNW, rain is our middle name. While I do have a reschedule policy for rain it can still throw a huge wrench in plans especially when a date is important to hold for whatever reason.

So you guessed it and it kinda makes sense that we will not need to reschedule due to the weather. We are inside and safe from all of the elements! Special dates are safe from having to be moved or missing out on a visit from Grandma and Grandpa!

Bonus Reason: An added bonus is that at home sessions often take place in the mid to late morning which I know is a great time for littles! No more moving naps and staying up past bed time! One of the biggest blocks for outdoor sunset sessions I get.

So what are you waiting for? (insert Gwen Stefani’s song lyrics from Whatcha ya waiting for?)

And like the Ye Old saying goes, don’t knock it until you try it! Make your location for your next family photos your very own home.

Do you have any other concerns that I didn’t address in the blog? Leave a comment below and we can talk about it.


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