Tacoma Family Photographer on Film | Brooke Holliday

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Why I don't traditionally pose Newborns | Posed vs. unposed Newborn Photography

When you think of Newborn Photography what is the first image that pops into your head?

Is it babies posed in a baskets or naked folded and holding their head in their hands, fast asleep?

If is was, then this is not a blog about posed newborn photography. As the title shows this is about the other kind of Newborn Photography. A newer term and style called Lifestyle Newborn Photography.

There are a few key reasons why posed newborn photography is a style that I do not participate in and will not book a session for.

  1. It does resonate with my vision motherhood or the newborn story.

  2. I do not want to remove your baby from your arms for, possibly, 1 or more hours.

  3. Posed Newborn Photography doesn’t incorporate elements of home.

My vision of Motherhood and the Newborn Story

My vision of motherhood is very raw and connected. It’s holding and snuggling your babe as much as possible. It’s baby wearing. It’s staring into your babies eyes or watching them sleep for hours. It’s tears of joy or struggle. It’s comfort. It’s leaning into the imperfections because they are unique and beautiful.

There is so much to say about the Newborn story. It’s the way they held onto your fingers with their tiny hands. It’s the funny faces they made. It’s how small they were in your arms and how they fit just perfectly in the crook of your elbow. It’s the curiosity of siblings and fur babies. It’s the details from their toes to their nose. It’s soothing and feeding and diaper changes.

Keeping baby in your arms as much as possible for your Newborn Photography Session

I firmly believe that babies are not meant to leave our arms for hours to have a photo shoot where they will be posed on a bean bag. These photos although sometimes adorable lack so much of the feeling. Your baby is not a prop they are a perfectly grown human from your womb. They are a part of you. Photographing them on in your arms and with the people that love them fills those images with those warm and fuzzy feeling for long from now.

The best location for your Newborn Photography Session is your home and incorporating it is apart of the story.

You want to tell an honest and real story about how much you love this baby and what it was like bring them home. You can’t do that in a studio where the photographer wraps your baby up on a bean bag. Having your session in home where you can capture their nursery or the areas of the home that you experience motherhood will hold nostalgia, that warm and cozy hug that we love, and help bring you back to all those memories that may slip from your mind over time.

In conclusion Posed Newborn Photography doesn’t tell the story of bring your newborn home, It won’t provide you with that nostalgia like a Lifestyle session will and it doesn’t represent how you view this very special time in your life. You want real honest moments that help you remember what it was like having a teeny tiny baby in your arms and just adoring the heck out of them.

Lifestyle Newborn Photography can and will give you that feeling you are looking for when you view your photos in your photo albums 5, 10 , 20 years from now.