Why I love photography | Buckley Family Photographer

i have had a camera in my hand since i can remember.

the camera has had a constant influence on my life. my mother documented my whole childhood. we have album after album of memories. and i love looking through them.

growing up taking pictures was a fun way to interact with my world and the people and places in it. i could also save these moments and reflect upon them with friends and family. it gave me great joy and a sense of purpose.

now that i am older and have my own family, these images are a legacy of my life. i want to be able to leave something behind for my kids to enjoy. 

photography fills my soul with happiness. i do it for me and also for the subjects of my images. i know that some day those images will be family heirlooms. someday they will be a part of family history. they will be cherished long long after we are gone.


What is a couples session anyway? | Buckley, WA Family Photographer