Flaming Geyser State Park Tacoma area locations for a high school senior photo session

One of the key pieces to having a senior photo session is what location to choose. There are many beautiful locations in the Tacoma area to choose from. In this blog we are highlighting Flaming Geyser State Park.

High School Senior Photos at Flaming Geyser State park

Location features at Flaming Geyser State Park

  • Open Field

  • Barn

  • River

  • Tree line on the horizon

  • Flowers in spring and summer

High School Senior Photos at Flaming Geyser State park

Reasons I like this location for senior photo sessions:

This location is big and open and has only a short walk to the river. The location has a great mix of tall grass, trees, flowers and small portion of shore on the river bank.

The diversity of textures and terrains really makes for a well rounded location for senior photos. You final gallery will have a good variety of looks and poses.

High School Senior Photos at Flaming Geyser State park

Best time of day for your senior photo session:

The best time of day for this location based on where the sun goes down on the river (what direction the river sits) a sunset session would be the best and most optimal choice. When choosing a sunset session you will get the best lighting with view of the river and backlight through out most of the location.

High School Senior Photos at Flaming Geyser State park

Flaming Geyser is a diverse location that offers mainly open field looks with some river views. Perfect for someone that wants a little bit of both.

Looking for what to wear for your senior photo session? Want a few pointers while you decide?


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