How to Prepare for Your Lifestyle Studio Newborn Session

Lifestyle Studio Newborn Sessions… How to prepare to leave home and be photographed in a studio.

It’s no secret that I am a complete advocate for having your newborn sessions at home. Of all the reasons why the top is you being comfortable and in your cozy place.

Because if this is your first baby you may not know yet just how complicated it can be to travel with an infant. If this isn’t your first rodeo then you are well aware of the orchestration that goes into getting everyone out of the house on time! LOL

But if you are set on the look and feel of your favorite photographers Lifestyle Studio then there are some key tips on how to prepare yourself. So let’s get into it!

3 Tips on how to Prepare for your Lifestyle Studio Newborn Session

Tacoma Lifestyle Newborn Studio Session

Give your self way more time to leave for your studio newborn session than you think you need.

You just had a baby and that is a huge life change for everyone in the household. Whether it’s your first child or your 5th no one will be the same after a new baby enters the family.

Now i’m not saying that in a bad or negative way. However I have see my fair share of sibling rivalry and know what it’s like to get 3 kids, of varying ages, out the door.

So what ever time you usually need to get ready, add at least 30-60 more minutes. Something usually always arises when you are about to leave. Baby may poop, get hungry or need a whole outfit change.

Tacoma Lifestyle Newborn Studio Session

Don’t dress baby in their outfit until you arrive at the studio.

Depending on how far you are driving baby could be in the car for a little while. That leave many chances for something to happen and result in them needing an outfit change. A good rule of thumb is to not dress them in the outfit you intend them to be photographed in until you arrive.

Just like DJ Paulie D, from the jersey shore, says “it’s the shirt before the shirt”. Keep them in something you don’t mind getting pooped or spit up in until you arrive. And always keep a plan b just in case, accidents happen.

Tacoma Lifestyle Newborn Studio Session

Prepare before hand - Be as comfortable as possible at the studio

A huge part of a successful photo shoot is being comfortable. Because you are coming into a new space it can be an adjustment to get comfortable so come as comfortable as possible. Dress is comfortable clothes and shoes.

Bring all the things we would need for baby from diapers/wipes to a pacifier/bottle to eat and sooth. It’s totally ok to take time to calm baby down should they start to cry. So make sure that you have everything you need for baby to be comfortable as well.

Packing suggestions checklist for a Lifestyle Studio Newborn Session:

  • pacifier

  • bottle/formula

  • burp cloth

  • extra diapers and wipes

  • extra clothes

  • comfortable clothes and shoes for you and your partner

Tacoma Lifestyle Newborn Studio Session
Tacoma Lifestyle Newborn Studio Session
Tacoma Lifestyle Newborn Studio Session
Tacoma Lifestyle Newborn Studio Session
Tacoma Lifestyle Newborn Studio Session
Tacoma Lifestyle Newborn Studio Session

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