Day at the beach Photo sessions during low tide in the Puget Sound | Dash Point State Park

Did you know that you don’t have to drive 2 hours to visit the beach for a photo session with your family?

You can have one right here in the Puget Sound. Nestled between Seattle and Tacoma is Dash Point State Park, the perfect location to have a beach session during low tide! During specific times of the day the water recedes back and reveals sandy wet beach below full of all kids of sea life. Perfect for having an adventurous photo session with the people you love!

Location features at Dash Point State Park

  • Open sandy beach

  • Sea Life

  • Forest

  • Open horizon and shore line

  • Driftwood

Reasons I like this location for photo sessions:

This location is big and open during low tide! Lots of room to play, run around and explore. During low tide the hidden sea life is revealed and is fun for kids to find and investigate. With an open horizon line on one side and a tree line on the other this gives a variety of backgrounds for your photos.

For lovers of the beach this is the perfect playground for fun freeform photo sessions where you want to document your loved ones doing a fun activity together.

Best time of day for your photo session at the beach:

Dates and times are complete dependent on the low tide of the ocean so times vary. However most times fall in the morning. So you can expect to have your session before 10AM.

Does this sound like the perfect experience for you and your family? Send me a booking inquiry below to get started!


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