When is the best age to photograph my kids? | Buckley, WA Family Photographer | Brooke Holliday Photography

One of the most commonly asked questions is what is the best age for my child to have their photos taken.

Newborn baby in white onesie, Buckley, WA Newborn Photographer, Brooke Holliday Photography

Is it the when they are a new born?

6 month old baby sitting on her own, Buckley, WA Newborn Photographer, Brooke Holliday Photography

Is it when they are rolling over or sitting on their own?

1 year old girl portrait in black and white, Buckley, WA Family Photographer, Brooke Holliday Photography

Is it when they are 1 years old?

Joyful young boy, Buckley, WA Family Photographer, Brooke Holliday Photography

Or some time in elementary school?

My answer is that any time is a great time to have your child photographed because they grown so fast that they are constantly changing. Even if you had a photo taken every year or twice a year of their childhood you will see the differences. They slight changes of growing up. The slight changes that we can’t see with the naked I and the familiar face we see each day. But a photograph will show us and remind us of these stages that we can’t quite bring to mind from memory.

So photograph them well and often to preserve ever lovely stage of their childhood. You will cherish it and so will they.

xoxo Brooke!


Why I don't pose newborns | Buckley, WA Newborn Photographer | Brooke Holliday Photography


Studio Newborn Family Session | Buckley Family Photographer | Brooke Holliday Photography