Tacoma Family Photographer on Film | Brooke Holliday

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Why I am a Family Focused Photographer | Seattle area Family Photographer | Brooke Holliday Photography

Story time… Getting to know me.

I thought I would start out the new year with what I have come to understand about my journey and how I ended up where I am as a photographer.

Today I wanted to share why I am a FAMILY Focused Photographer.

There are many reasons why I love photography but there is only one reason that I am specifically drawn to be a family photographer.

Growing up I was an only child. I can’t say that I grew up feeling a close family bond. I believe that my family was very emotionally disconnected. I had two working parents and we didn’t all spend a lot of time together. My parents also didn’t spend a lot of time together and I don’t recall seeing them express love with one another. The truth is that I spent a lot of time alone and would seek out family love and connection from friends. I grew very distant emotionally from my family at home.

I spent most of my teens and early twenties trying to find myself and never really knew what was missing from my life. When my parents got divorced in my early twenties I completely lost all sense of family and what that meaning really was. It really drove home the fact that I am alone in this world and only had myself.

Luckily I met the man that would one day become my husband. I would inherit his son as my bonus son and we would have a daughter of our own (a complete life changing moment). Together we built a life, love and connection that is something that I have always wanted but didn’t know it until it was right in front of me. Creating a family was very life changing for me. I felt like I finally had that family connection. I had people in my life that loved me so much and it fills me with absolute joy.

I created a family that I desired to have as a kid growing up.

I know how much you love your family! I know how much your heart yearned for this and I want to show you how special your family bond is. My photos with speak to your heart and make you feel what it is to be a family, to love and be loved in return.

Want to get to know me a little more? Click the button below to go to my about page.

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